Nationals 2016

Darren had an amazing tournament in Calgary Nationals 2016. 4 tought fights in Cadet -41 category. He pushed through the pain and injuries and fought like a true champion. This time he used old style from Master Mo and Mike. Why fight what you’re good at. Counter back kicks and double jump back kicks. It was great to watch the old Darren back on the mat. Darren has been blessed with the present of so many great masters in his life and I’m sure all the hard training, discipline and resilience  will help him reach excellence in his life.


Thank you masters (alphabetical order) : GM Abbas, Barry, GM ChongLee, Evangelos,

Mike, GM Zemzemi, Mahdi, Nader , Olivier.





Canada Open 2016

Darren is participating at the Canada open 2016.

He has been training very hard for the past year to gather the much needed black belt experience. The Canada Open next month will help him prepare for the nationals in May.

Many thanks to friends and family for the encouragement and support.

Please visit his crowdfunding page to support him reach the Nationals in Calgary.

Or if you prefer, send him the money through paypal



Darren is the 2014 Canadian Champion

IMG_3161Complete domination at the national stage with Darren winning by mercy rule in the 2nd round, beating a bar black older athlete with the score of 22 to 9.

They pinned darren against bar black category fighters which is 2 belts higher than him but as master olivier said, ” it only makes the medal ceremony pictures look better”.

Darren was lucky to have his big brother David and his friends Giovanni and Emma-Lee in his corner, under the watchful eye of Master Olivier who managed his nutrition and training regiment before the competition.

Many thanks to Grand master Lee, Masters Evangelos, Olivier and Barry for preparing Darren for his title.

Articles on Darren in local newspaper:

L’informateur de rivière des prairies

Le guide de Montréal-Nord





IMG_3100 IMG_3108 IMG_3168 IMG_3173 IMG_3203 IMG_3204

Another Gold at Canada Open 2014

Canada Open 2014 in Montreal was an event the champ could not miss. For once, it would be so easy to get to this important international event with virtually 20 minutes drive to Centre Claude Robillard where the 4 day event was being held.

Darren did not take this event lightly. He had been preparing for months with constant training at the Chonglee school and at home. Even Sickness did not keep him away from training as he used the days he was not feeling 100% for meditation, stretching and teaching classes to his little sister.

The category secured him 2 fights which he easily controlled. The first fight was an easy 12 – 5 for Darren and he had 10 minutes to rest before the 2nd fight.

The second fight started wrong with the opponent hitting Darren with a devastating back kick right on the face. North American rules don’t allow head shots for color belts under 15 years old. Darren shook it off as it was a mosquito. He didn’t ask for any time for recuperation and did not want to see his coach. Instead he went on 4th gear and his roar froze Mathis in place. Darren won 4 -1 against a talented fighter and secured his yet another Gold medal at an important international event.

Results on Quebec TKD federation

Next Stop, Chonglee Tournament in montreal to mark and celebrate the 50 years of Taekwondo in Canada.

Darren is grateful to his masters, Evangelos, Barry and Mike. Champions are made from hard work and good surroundings. These 3 gentlemen have marked him and put him in the path of success.

Special thanks go to ACP academy and the Antonatos family, who’s constant support encourages Darren to even train harder and live up to the club’s slogan “Pursuit of excellence”. Darren is proud to be part of ACP academy and to represent the crest.

With Master Evangelos in his corner, every fight seems easy

IMG_2298 Waiting for the call to fightIMG_2294 Another impractical joke from big brother DavidIMG_2312 Final Score of the Mathis fightIMG_2315 Watching the opponents fights to learn their weaknessIMG_2308 Final Score against DamienIMG_2301 After fight with Master EvangelosIMG_2299IMG_2320 Darren and David before the medal ceremonyIMG_2322IMG_2323IMG_2324IMG_2333 Another GoldIMG_2355IMG_2353IMG_2350IMG_2348IMG_2339 ACP is everywhere… IMG_2359 Master Evangelos and Master Barry with Darren after the medal ceremonyIMG_2367 Darren and Alexia in the VIP sectionIMG_2378 Darren with Frederik Olsen at Canada Open 2014IMG_2585Darren is hoping to face Frederik soon on the mat. It may be at an international tournament  or in the olympics….whichever comes first. 


Toronto open 2013

Another Gold

Toronto Open 2013 was a great experience. Even if they were running late, the venue was well organized. Darren fought at 5 pm instead of the original 11 AM schedule.

The group of 8 athletes from around canada in Darren’s weight group, allowed 3 nice fights for the champ in which he completely dominated the competition.

The last fight was a though one and very frustrating as deserved points were not given. Thankfully , Master Evangelos was there to defend Darren on the injustice and got him the opportunity to continue the fight in to the extra time. It’s part of the game and that is how it goes.

Sudden death

Darren timed it perfectly, faked a move and as soon as the opponent threw the Round,  Darren finished him with a quick Edan.

Another Gold for the champ. (Quebec TKD federation)

Darren is greatful for his masters for the coaching and advises. Masters Evangelos, Barry and specially Master Mike for giving Darren his unique warrior style and introducing him to the Art.

Silver medal at Pan American 2013 in Mexico


What an amazing experience. 2500 athletes from all around the world. The champ had three fights and all against Mexicans.

Great fighting experience for Darren and he learmed quickly that if in another country, you cant leave it to judge’s decisions. When you have Local fighters and local judges, you better win by big numbers.

The surprise was that there was head contact at all ages and belts.

Great tournament and we saw some amazing talents out there. CANADA was well represented with lots of medals and 2nd place all around results.

( Darren mentioned on Quebec TKD federation )

Many thanks to ACP academy for their sponsorship and to Masters Evangelos, Barry and Mike, for all they have thought him.

Darren knows what he has to prepare for. Head shots.
His Masters will get him ready for next competition.

